Thursday, December 01, 2011

Still thankful.

Still thankful one week later. Here is my little T-giving post. Gobble gobble. 

This Thanksgiving was wonderful. I spent the entire day cooking with my mom. We have a blast in the kitchen together and this year felt extra special for some reason. Plus everything turned out great! Later the rest of the family arrived, including my grandparents and uncle from the Seattle area.

It was a wonderful dinner. I am so thankful for such a wonderful family. We genuinely like each other! That is not always the case with family. Well, mine rocks! And we sure like to eat! Haha

Here are some photos of the feast and festivities:

My mom's cute decor.

Taste testing. Look at Mama Jo! We must have liked it.

After a long day of cooking.

Bro (d-jenner) and Grandma

We named the turkey Hank. He was delish.

Listening to my 89 year old grandpa is amazing. He has great stories. 

Clean plates and my Grandma's lovely centerpiece. 

It isn't Thanksgiving if there aren't turkey cookies! 

Photo credit to my big sis Linds Jo.

So excited that tomorrow is Friday! 
Keep it real.

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I love hearing from you all! Your comments regularly make my day.

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