Wednesday, May 29, 2013

I think you're pretty.

I'm busy, but I think you're pretty!

I hope you had great long weekends... even though it is already Wednesday. Can I do that when the next weekend is as close as the last? Even though it isn't! Because the weekend extended through Monday. Duh. You guys are so rude.

Don't judge me for posting this picture.
I have nothing else. I am having a less than stellar day, which seems inappropriate because today I wore floral pants! I don't think you should be allowed to have a below par day while you are wearing floral pants.

Time out: being below par is a good thing in golf. You are trying to shoot "under par." It means that you are practically the next T-Woods! (without the grossness preferably). Yet, we use the figure of speech to represent a "below average" account. I mean, it makes sense, par does represent the average... BUT it totally doesn't make sense! We aren't trying to have a less than average day. hmmm. The English language is in need of some assistance. Much like my day... Such is life.

...and don't act so surprised, I have some sports knowledge! Limited. But some.

I am officially smarter than Webster. Whoever he is. My day is turning around after all! Until next time.


  1. You're not alone in feeling the funk today- I've seen several friends, including myself, post about it on Facebook today. Maybe something in the air? Bright side: nice weather is supposed to return this weekend.

  2. Adorable pants, those should make any day a happy one!

  3. I mean you bring up valid points on the below par argument, lady. also i would never judge you for posting that picture, but only because the pants are awesome!


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