Thursday, November 14, 2013

Victoria's Secret Model Eats Ice Cream with Tayor Swift.

How's that for a headline!?

I LOVE the VS Fashion Show. It taped last night. Is it just me or is T-Swift working on her leg game? Maybe she is tryna get on Carrie’s level? Get em guuurl!

Some people get annoyed with the VS fashion show and get all “How can we possibly live up to this unnatural body standard!?” Uhhhh no one said you had to. It is just good entertainment with awesome musical acts. Crazy person. Also, it is winter. So it isn't like anyone is suggesting you put on a bikini tomorrow. I am suggesting you put on a big chunky sweater. It will all be okay!

PS. Those girls don’t eat food like normal people. Have you had food? It’s delicious! You know that saying, “nothing tastes as good as skinny feels”… ??? That statement could not be more untrue! Whoever wrote that has never had truffle fries. or ice cream. or cheese.

This may or may not have been photo-shopped. Tune in on Dec. 10th to know for certain!

I plan on watching the VS fashion show on my couch. With a bowl of ice cream. In my big chunky sweater (for warmth from the ice cream). I could not be more excited! I always enjoy the energy and enthusiasm behind the show. And you know I love me some T-Swift!

Feel free to call me an anti-feminist. The show airs on December 10th, come over to throw things at me if you must!



  1. Her legs DO look great! So does the ice cream. :)

  2. I totally agree! Love T.Swift...and truffle fries :) See you tomorrow! xoxo

  3. I will be watching it for sure! I do get jealous of those awesome bods but I know that is totally my issue and my issue alone. And all the other people that have the same issue!! 'cause I know I'm not alone!

  4. true story: i can't handle tswift or truffle fries. the VS fashion show i can get on board with though!

  5. I loooove me some T Swift, and I hate to be THAT girl, but yeah, I won't be tuning in =( Part of it is the feminist in me and the other part is indescribable (sp?) amounts of jealousy...Either way, we can totally still be friends right?! ;)

  6. T Swift looks AMAZING in that first pictures! So fierce ;)
    Whoa, whoa, WHOA. What are truffle fries? I'm missing out!

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