Sunday, March 16, 2014

A new job and a new city!

I recently got hired to work at the Gates Foundation and I am moving to Seattle.  Just a few major life changes in the works! Seriously, planning a wedding, moving states, starting a new job… this is just nuts!

Maybe I need to change my blog name… I will no longer be backhand-springing through Bridgetown. What are the nicknames for Seattle? I feel a Google search in the near future.

Oh, and the wedding is in 3 months. Call me crazy! No seriously, feel free, I wont deny it. 

Friday, March 14, 2014

My cheerleaders won the State Championship!

Next major happening!?

Wilson Cheeleading took home another first place trophy! Our girls worked hard all year and it paid off. I love when that happens. Obviously it is great to have the life lesson that things don’t always turn out the way you want, but an even better/ more fun, life lesson is when kids experience hard work paying off! Man, I really love to win! 

It was a ton of fun to watch these ladies live up to their potential, hit a great routine and take home the trophy they deserved! It was my last season coaching and a great way to end an awesome 5-year run.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

Remember me? Just a few updates!

So many things have happened since my last post! I will go in order over the next few days.

First things first.
I got engaged! Brian proposed to me in the freezing rain during the snow-pocalypse we had in PDX not so long ago.

It all started on Saturday morning when the cheerleading competition my girls were competing in was canceled. His plans took a major turn, because now I would be with him all day! He INSISTED that we go over to his parent’s house, even though the roads were treacherous and it was snowing hard. I argued and practically melted down in protest, but he persisted. I seriously thought we were going to die on the road as frozen dismembered ice cube versions of ourselves. Now I know why he was so stubborn, the ring was there!

Once we got back to my house we went sledding with Marina all afternoon. It was ridiculous fun. When we began our walk to the harbor-side McCormicks from my apartment, the freezing rain had started. The walk was miserable, and much longer than I remembered! The last time I made that journey it was 75 and sunny…

Brian proposed on the waterfront in the snow, under freezing rain and twinkly lights. I wouldn’t want it any other way!

Sorry for the large face/ square Insta photos.